French Language Teacher in Rancho Penasquitos
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Fees for French Class in Rancho Penasquitos - in US

2021 | Tariff in Rancho Penasquitos

Prices of French language courses in Rancho Penasquitos vary a lot depending on the reputation of language schools and the teacher experience. While you can find French teachers asking up to $140 an hour for private lesson (we have seen that!), our language school in Rancho Penasquitos has decided to make learning as accessible as possible. This is the reason why we can offer language courses at the following price:

Fees for FRENCH Language course in Rancho Penasquitos, San Diego

Private lesson of French - 1 to 3 persons (You create your group and the price remain the same no matter if you are 1, 2 or 3 students)

One lesson of 1 hour: $70

Ten 1-hour lessons: $500

25 lessons of 1 hour: $990

Business French: Fees for Business French Language Course

Learn French in Rancho Penasquitos French class in your region My Method Is our course for you? About the teacher French grammar Tariff Contact